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Pattern of lemon
September 27, 2023
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What are intangible assets and how do you value them?

Assets not physical in nature—that have no physical form or shape—are intangible assets. These fixed assets are both created or acquired.
Parker Gilbert
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calculator and pens
December 20, 2023
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FloQast or BlackLine: Which is better?

Out of FloQast and BlackLine, which is best? This walkthrough covers features, plans, implementation details, and common reviews of both.
Daniela Andreevska
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Pattern of a basic org chart
June 11, 2024
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The Startup CFO’s Primer: Audits, Technology, and Making an Impact

A guide for the start-up CFO: Learn how you can navigate audits, hire the right talent, and balance FP&A, management, and accounting responsibilities.
Parker Gilbert
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